OVMS PE finished up Fly 10 Testing and had some impressive results:
24/25 Speed Clubs
All Time Top 15 Per Grade

Congratulations to Isadora Cruit who was the winner of the Pi Digit Competition at OVMS with this one of a kind, Pi Crown! #YNotOV

Grady Sparks is getting a great job shadow experience with the Army Corps of Engineers. #YNotOV

Looking for some fresh OV softball gear? Click the link to place an order! The deadline is Monday, 3/17. #YNotOV

Today's job shadow spotlight features Reese Nichols at the Kaskaskia Valley Animal Hospital. #YNotOV

Don't miss tomorrow night's Okaw Valley Band Showcase at 7:00 at OVHS. #YNotOV

Attention OVMS Parents: Sarah Bush Lincoln dental will offer FREE onsite dental exams at OVMS on 3/13. Please see the office for forms or call the office at 217-756-8521. You must be signed up in advance.

Start the week of with today's OVHS Job Shadow Spotlight! #YNotOV

Congratulations to the February OVMS Students/Staff of the Month!
8th grade - Jonathan Cazel
7th grade - Emilee Norton
6th grade - Isaac Garvin
5th grade - Frankie Russell
Staff Member of the Month is Mr. Guzman

The OVHS job shadow program provides a great opportunity for our upperclassmen to get real world experience and training. #YNotOV

Props to Mrs. Yantis OVMS sewing class for finishing the MS Scholastic Bowl Hoodies this year! #YNotOV

Please see the photos for the latest job opportunities at Okaw Valley. #YNotOV

HS baseball, HS softball, and MS track all start practice next week! Please see dates and times below:
Monday, March 3
HS Baseball 1-3 @ OVHS
HS Softball 3:30-5:30 @ OVHS
Tuesday, March 4
6th-8th grade MS Track 3:30-4:30

MS Volleyball splits their regular season finale with a 7th grade loss and a 25-19, 25-12 win over Windsor. #YNotOV

Varsity boys basketball defeats Central A&M 54-52 in a thrilling game tonight in the IHSA Regionals. Junior, Braden Montgomery finished the game with a buzzer beater to advance to Wednesday's semifinal vs. Arcola at 7:30 at A&M. #YNotOV

The OVHS Junior Class is having a drive-thru dinner fundraiser this March. See the flyer for information to help support the class! #YNotOV

Don't miss your chance to play baseball/softball this summer! Check the attached form as the deadline is approaching quickly. #YNotOV

Tonight is senior night for HS boys basketball, Cheer, and Scholastic Bowl. We will recognize them between the JV and Varsity games. #YNotOV

8th grade volleyball defeated Tuscola tonight while 7th falls and 6th grade splits. #YNotOV

OVMS StuCo recently held a coat, hat, and glove drive at school. Items will be delivered to OVES and local donation spots. #YNotOV